Our Favorite UV Light Hack for Home Cleaning

Carolyn J. Braden • 1 Minute Read  

Our Favorite UV Light Hack for Home Cleaning

We bought a UV flashlight (also called a UV black light) to determine if our RV’s air conditioner had a leak. After we sold the RV, we still used this UV light in our home for a variety of things you may not think of. From determining pet stains, photography and more, a UV light can be helpful in your home too. Here’s our favorite UV light hacks.

Germy things can be seen with a UV light

We purchased our UV flashlight from Amazon (check it out here) in order to see if our RV had a air conditioning leak. After we sold the RV, we came up with more ways to use it at home. Bob Vila’s website gave us a great list on things you may overlook on cleaning at home. After having COVID in 2024, we were greatful for this list.

See our UV light in action in our 1 minute video below or via our YouTube channel @carolynjbraden:

Do you know if your windows have weep holes and if they need to be cleaned? Use our one minute video below or via our YouTube channel @carolynjbraden to help you find out if you have weep holes on your windows and how to clean them!

We took our cleaning one step further and used the UV light to see anything gross leftover after cleaning. On our toilet’s base, you could see where we didn’t fully wipe it down. You could see dust in places I had no idea were dusty. It is a pretty incredible tool for cleaning!

You can use UV lights in photography

Many people use UV lights to see pet stains. It won’t work well if there is ambient light and not all UV lights will work for this purpose. The one we bought definitely saw things! We do have Ruggables, so thankfully we don’t have to clean up pet messes on the rugs anymore. We just throw them in the washer.

By viewing this UV light on Walmart’s website, we learned UV lights are also used to detect scorpions. The more you know, right!?

You can use UV lights for photography

I wanted to see my neon nail polish light up and see if I could use it for photography. It definitely can be used for both those things. There are many UV lights you can get for this purpose and for sanitizing. You must use caution when using UV lights (do not shine them into your eyes, etc) and the FDA has a great safety guide on their website. Check it out by clicking here.

What do you use a UV light for? Let us and our community know in the comments below!

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Carolyn J. (C.J.) Braden is the owner of Carolyn’s Blooming Creations is a regular contributor and editor for CBC. She has been featured in numerous media publications such as InStyle Magazine, on HGTV, on Bustle.com, and more. She is the author of the books Georgia McMasters in Amethyst Lake Cemetery, How To Be Yourself: 3 Ways To Help You Being You, and the illustrator for the children’s book Bridging Connections. She is a former classroom teacher that now dedicates her life to educating others on how to live their most healthy, creative and happy life. Learn more about her visiting our About Us page.