DIY Home Improvements Carolyn's Blooming Creations

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Easy Ways to Clean the Clutter for Mental Peace

C.J. Braden     •      5 Minute Read

Easy Ways to Clean the Clutter for Mental Peace

It is no secret that the last few years have seen people paying much keener attention to keeping their homes clean and tidy. And, we also know that a more hygienic environment can make us feel better. 

Sometimes though, we just don’t have the energy to get it done. If you need some motivation and inspiration, then shows like Marie Kondo and The Home Edit can inspire us to make some moves and tidy up. 

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Organized closet idea

But, not all jobs are enjoyable or straightforward; things like upholstery cleaning, carpet cleaning, and deep cleaning are often best done by a professional. A massive bonus to booking professionals is that it makes the smaller jobs easier to manage. Staying on top of the cleaning isn’t always easy, but a little bit of help can go a long way. 

Black grout and white tile organized bathroom

What are the links between mental health and cleaning?

One of the most common issues for people who have trouble with mental health is going through periods where tidying up is impossible. But most will also state that when their environment is clean, they feel a bit better. 

Organized living room idea

Studies into the link between mental health and cleanliness showed that people who regularly clean their house felt more relaxed. More interesting was that people who had a messy home or were surrounded by what they perceived as a mess had higher stress hormone levels. 

Clear the clutter in your bathroom with our great ideas below or via our YouTube channel @carolynjbraden:

Getting kids to help clean can be fun

What if you don’t feel like cleaning?

We live in a world where you might hear the saying ‘you don’t have a choice’ or ‘just get it done.’ But in reality, we should only do what we can and clean based on how we feel. Cleaning small amounts regularly adds up to a significant change. Making it fun can also help. 

Colorful and organized kid’s bedroom idea

One of the ways to make cleaning fun is to start by choosing a color. Now, everything that needs to be put away in the selected color goes first. When you have finished that color - move on to a different one. This can also help children to join in. 

And for anything that you need to throw away, you might be wondering can I take my trash to the landfill? - and you’d be right. Having a huge clear out here could be what you need to find that inner peace.

You can also find fun things to help you organize your home like wall hooks and baskets. These are our top two things to buy in bulk when we start getting our home more organized.

How to get kids excited about cleaning

There is some research that shows repetitive tasks can help to ease anxiety because they are predictable - and the person who has anxiety always knows what's going to happen next. 

More tips for anxiety? Read this: How to Create an Anti-Anxiety Room. 

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Organized home office idea

Will I work better in a clean environment?

Our brains can become overwhelmed when we feel like there is too much going on. It’s like having too many tabs open on your computer - eventually, it slows down. If you work from home, then a place that should get some cleaning focus is your workspace. When a mess surrounds us, it’s not uncommon to begin to focus on it and lose focus on the tasks we are trying to do. 

Home organization ideas

Tidying up can help to improve our concentration and focus on the work we are doing. This can just as easily be applied to hobby and craft rooms and rooms we relax in. The rising levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) will impact how we feel as we are completing the work - and before long, we may associate the high levels of stress with our work - rather than the real issue. 

Organized family room ideas

Finally, a rule to help - if it will take less than 60 seconds to do, then do it (if you have the energy). It’s simple, takes one minute, and you might just be surprised how much you get done. 

C.J. Braden is a regular contributor and editor for Carolyn’s Blooming Creations. She has been featured in numerous media publications such as InStyle Magazine, on HGTV, on, and more. She is the author of the books Georgia McMasters in Amethyst Lake Cemetery, How To Be Yourself: 3 Little Ways to Get Back To You Being You, and the illustrator for the children’s book Bridging Connections. She is a former classroom teacher that now dedicates her life to educating others on how to live their most healthy, creative and happy life. Learn more about her visiting our About Us page.

This is a collaborative post and may contain affiliate links. All opinions and ideas expressed in this post, however, are based on my personal point of view.