5 Signs That You Have Creative Ability

C.J. Braden     •      3 Minute Read

Five Signs That You Have Creative Ability

5 Signs That You Have Creative Ability

Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Are you always coming up with new ideas? If so, you likely have what it takes to be a successful artist, musician, or writer. But being creative is not just about having the ability to develop new ideas. It's also about being able to see things differently and thinking outside of the box.

In this blog post, we will discuss five signs that you have creative ability.

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1- You Are Always Coming Up With New Ideas

If you are constantly coming up with new ideas, you will likely have creative ability. This is because creativity is all about generating new ideas. And the more ideas you have, the more creative you are likely to be.

So, if you find yourself always brainstorming new ideas, then it's a good sign that you can be creative.

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2- You See Things Differently

If you tend to see things differently than others, it's a sign that you have creative ability. This is because creative people often think outside the box and come up with unique and original ideas.

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For example, let's say you're looking at a painting. Of course, most people would see the painting and think about its appearance. But if you're creative, you might think about the story behind the painting or the emotions it evokes.

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3- You're Always Asking Questions

If you're the type of person who is always asking questions, then you're probably quite creative. Why? Because questioning the status quo is a key ingredient of creativity. So, if you're constantly wondering why things are the way they are and how they could be improved, then chances are you have some serious creative potential.

Acting on your curiosity and using it to generate new ideas is essential. When you're questioning everything, you're open to new possibilities, and that is the first step to being creative.

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4- You're Attracted To Other Creatives

If you find yourself drawn to other creatives, then that is a good sign that you have creative potential. This is because creativity is contagious. When you surround yourself with other creatives, it helps to stimulate your own creativity.

So, if you're always seeking out the company of other creatives, it's a good indication that you can be creative yourself.

Attracting other creatives isn't the only way to stir up your own creativity. You can also attend art galleries, listen to music, or read books. Anything that helps you appreciate the arts will also help you develop your creative abilities. Someone like Michael Treco, who exhibits art from everyday things, is a good example of people you should surround yourself with. 

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5- You're Not Afraid Of Failure

If you're not afraid of failure, then that is another good sign that you have creative potential. Because creativity and innovation often involve taking risks. And if you're not afraid to fail, then you're more likely to take the necessary risks to be creative.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you should go out and start failing on purpose. But it does mean that you should be open to new experiences and not be afraid to experiment.

In conclusion, if you have any or all of these five signs, then it's a good indication that you have the ability to be creative. So, go out and start being creative! Use your imagination and come up with something new and exciting. Who knows, you may just surprise yourself with what you're capable of.

C.J. (Carolyn) Braden is a regular contributor and editor for Carolyn’s Blooming Creations. She has been featured in numerous media publications such as InStyle Magazine, on HGTV, on Bustle.com, and more. She is the author of the books Georgia McMasters in Amethyst Lake Cemetery, How To Be Yourself: 3 Little Ways to Get Back To You Being You, and the illustrator for the children’s book Bridging Connections. She is a former classroom teacher that now dedicates her life to educating others on how to live their most healthy, creative and happy life. Learn more about her visiting our About Us page.
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