DIY Home Improvements Carolyn's Blooming Creations

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The Quiet During the Storm

Art and poetry by Carolyn J. Braden, Media: Sakura Gelly Roll pens, Sharpie Marker and BIC pencil

Snow is not my favorite.

Let me rephrase.

I appreciate the beauty of snow. However, it’s the cold part of it that I don’t enjoy.

The temperature in Louisville, KY dropped to 25 degrees today after being nearly 60 degrees just the other day. As with every drastic temperature change, my skin becomes irritated, my body feels weird and my pets go nuts.

Absolutely nuts.

Well, it’s actually my Maine Coon, Ross, and my American Eskimo, Minnie Pearl, who go nuts. My other Maine Coon, Monica, was sleeping comfortably on the second floor of my home as both Minnie Pearl and Ross ran around the first floor like crazy fools this morning. Monica is 8 (a bit older than Ross and MP) so that makes sense.

Anyways, in between Minnie Pearl’s return to potty-ing on the dining room rug all the time today (and completely disregarding the progress we’ve made in getting her to potty outside), and her biting me during a play session (which drew a bit of blood) and Ross’ incessant need for treats and more food (oh, yeah, the cold ALWAYS makes his body need more and more food, like a bear about to hibernate), I was able to find “my quiet”.

During one of my attempts to take Minnie Pearl outside, I noticed the snow falling had picked up. It felt bitter cold, so I naturally wanted to keep moving, but I happened to glance down at our porch railing and stopped in my tracks. Because the railing was so cold, a perfect snowflake was sitting in it’s beautiful form, waiting for me to take notice. And I did.

It’s the little things, for real…..

As Minnie Pearl ran around our yard like a complete fool, I stood and stared at the snowflake. Then I noticed more and more perfect little compact iced beauties falling. It was in that moment I was able to breathe and tune out the craziness of my morning and I am ever so appreciative.

I came inside, satisfied Ross and Minnie Pearl with food and play time, and they both took naps. During their nap time, I wrote in my journal and my experience with the snowflake flowed out onto paper in a tiny little poem.

Simply Snow

falling to the ground

without making a sound.





Even though the coldness of snow is not my favorite, I do appreciate the feeling associated with it. I am also thankful for the inspiration it brought to me today.

The snow served as reminder for me to seek out and capture the quiet when things around me got a little too loud. I think it can serve as a reminder for us all.

When things around you get completely out of control, seek out and capture your moment of quiet. Savor the moment and allow it to flow through your soul. Practice and repeat as often as needed.

Sending light and love to anyone who needs it!

Art and poetry detail by Carolyn J. Braden, Media: Sakura Gelly Roll pens, Sharpie Marker and BIC pencil