DIY Home Improvements Carolyn's Blooming Creations

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You Are My Love: A Sestet for My Husband

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Photography and collage created by Carolyn J. Braden

You are my love

my light

my joy

my peace

With you

all things are possible

—Carolyn J. Braden, April 2019

I wrote this short sestet (a six line poem) a while ago, but didn’t have an image in mind for the art. Then I went to the beach.

I sat for my first beach sunset in over 5 years with my husband the second night we arrived. I love watching the sun dip below the ocean. It starts happening so slowly and then it seems as if it speeds up. Then it’s gone.

As it disappeared, I became filled with gratitude that I was able to make the trip and that I was able to make it with my best friend, my husband, Tommy. I took a photograph and instantly knew it needed to be combined with my little poem. It is a poem I wrote about my husband, for my husband.

Sending my love and light to all that need it!

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Photograph collage created by Carolyn J. Braden